The Wine Psychologist
Hello, I’m Dr. Antonia Mantonakis
Based in Niagara’s beautiful wine country, with over 150 wineries on my doorstep, I am truly embracing life as “The Wine Psychologist”. By day I am a professor at the Goodman School of Business and a consumer psychologist; I teach the scientific principles of psychology to business leaders and vintners. I began researching brand memory over 2 decades ago and now my focus is on wine labels and their purchase influence. My research is both my profession and my passion, from visiting wineries, the LCBO, Wine Shops and watching people make selections, to active behavioural experiments at Brock University’s Wine Consumer Lab, and giving seminars to wine industry colleagues about the science of how and why people buy. Want to learn the latest science in how to sell so people will buy?
“The journey is the thing.”
– Homer
For 20+ years my psychological research has looked at the science of consumer cognition: how consumers perceive, think, feel and make a decision to buy and consume.
Wine Tips
People always ask, “what’s a “good” wine?” or “what wineries should I visit?” or “how should I go about serving wine?” Here are my top tips.
By day I am a professor at Brock University and a consumer psychologist. I teach courses and seminars on consumer behaviour, elements of marketing, and wine marketing. Want to learn more?
Test Your Consumer Knowledge
How well do you know consumer psychology? This quiz takes approximately 2 minutes to complete.
Consumer Insights
& Wine Tips
What does a Wine Psychologist do?
My Work
With my doctorate in psychology I specialize in the science behind how consumers think, feel, and make decisions. Think of that time you were standing in the isle at the LCBO and wondering which wine to buy for your Thanksgiving gathering? All your thoughts, the decision you ultimately made, and how you felt about it is what I study and publish about. It’s about consumer psychology and behaviour. I teach business leaders and wine makers how consumers think, feel, decide, buy, consume and remember.

The Latest
Buying wine as a gift
Shopping for wine as a gift? Here are 3 tips from a consumer psychologist…
What wine I recommend
Having a hard time selecting wine? Here are 3 tips from a consumer psychologist…
3 Tips when having friends over for wine
Having friends over for wine? Here are 3 tips from a consumer psychologist…
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