Wine messaging impacts people differently
Did you know that consumers will respond to marketing messages differently based on their knowledge about the product category? It’s not so simple…READ ABSTRACT
Did you know that consumers will respond to marketing messages differently based on their knowledge about the product category? It’s not so simple…READ ABSTRACT
Did you know that simply mentioning that product info is also available online influences purchases? But not always…READ ABSTRACT
It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences
Todd Green, John Peloza, Antonia Mantonakis, Jingzhi Shang [View Article]
Philp, Matthew and Antonia Mantonakis. “Guiding the consumer evaluation process and the probability of order-effects-in-choice” Journal of Business Research 112 (2020): 13-22. Print.
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