Look for the Signature: Using Personal Signatures as Extrinsic Cues Promotes Identity-Congruent Behavior
We investigate the novel premise that a personal signature – an individual’s own handwritten version of their name – can prime identities when used as an extrinsic cue. Keri L. Kettle and Antonia Mantonakis

It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences
It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences
Todd Green, John Peloza, Antonia Mantonakis, Jingzhi Shang [View Article]

Guiding the Consumer Evaluation Process and the Probability of Order-Effects-in-Choice
Philp, Matthew and Antonia Mantonakis. “Guiding the consumer evaluation process and the probability of order-effects-in-choice” Journal of Business Research 112 (2020): 13-22. Print.
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In the Real World, People Prefer their Last Whiskey When Tasting Options in a Long Sequence
Quigley-McBride, Adele, Gregory G. Franco, Daniel B. McLauren, Antonia Mantonakis , and Maryanne Garry. “In the Real World, People Prefer their Last Whiskey When Tasting Options in a Long Sequence” PLoS ONE 13(8) (2018): 255-264. Print.
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In virtuo: How User-Driven Interactivity in Virtual Tours leads to Attitude Change
Spielmann, Nathalie and Antonia Mantonakis. “In virtuo: How user-driven interactivity in virtual tours leads to attitude change” Journal of Business Research 88 (2018): 255-264. Print.
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The Effectiveness of Deservingness-Based Advertising Messages: The Role of Product Knowledge and Belief in a Just World
Hafer, Carolyn L., Antonia Mantonakis, Regan Fitzgerald, and Anthony F. Bogeart, “The Effectiveness of Deservingness-Based Advertising Messages: The Role of Product Knowledge and Belief in a Just World,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration 35 (2017): 34-46. Print.
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Photos That Increase Feelings of Learning Promote Positive Evaluations
Cardwell, Brittany A., Eryn J. Newman, Maryanne Garry, Antonia Mantonakis, and Randi Beckett. “Photos That Increase Feelings of Learning Promote Positive Evaluations.” The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43.6 (2017): 944-954. Print.
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Malleability of Taste Perception: Biasing Effects of Rating Scale Format on Taste Recognition, Product Evaluation, and Willingness to Pay
Mantonakis, Antonia, Norbert Schwarz, Amanda Wudarzewski, and Carolyn Yoon. “Malleability of taste perception: biasing effects of rating scale format on taste recognition, product evaluation, and willingness to pay” Marketing Letters 28.2 (2017): 293–303. Print.
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The Cue-of-the-Cloud Effect: When Reminders of Online Information Availability Increase Purchase Intentions and Choice.
Rajesh Bhargave, Antonia Mantonakis, and Katherine White. “The Cue-of-the-Cloud Effect: When Reminders of Online Information Availability Increase Purchase Intentions and Choice.” Journal of Marketing Research 52.5 (2016): 699-711. Print.
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Is “Getting Started” an Effective Way for People to Overcome the Depletion Effect?
Walsh, Darlene, Antonia Mantonakis, and Steve Joordens. “Is “getting started” an effective way for people to overcome the depletion effect?.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration 32 (2015): 47–57. Print.
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